“The Kindred Spirits Orchestra makes an enormous impact on the entire community…”
André Laplante, pianist
“The performance of the Kindred Spirits Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Kristian Alexander was inspiring, powerful and transformational. The musicians were exhilarating and the audience moved. It was one of the most exciting performances I have seen in a while…”
Jacques Israelievitch, violinist (former concertmaster of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra)
“Performing with the Kindred Spirits Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Kristian Alexander was a wonderful experience.” Christina Quilico, pianist
“I had a terrific time making new friends and sharing great music with the Kindred Spirits Orchestra.” Jamie Parker, pianist (University of Toronto Chair of Piano Performance)
“This was a really great concert…, the orchestra sounded fantastic!!! And the choice of music was excellent.” Alexa Petrenko, host (National Classical Radio 96.3 FM)
“The wonderful opening night of the Kindred Spirits Orchestra is still resonating in our minds… The musical program, covering the full range of 19th century German music was well balanced and beautifully executed.” Walter Stechel, Consul General of Germany in Canada
“Kindred Spirits Orchestra plays an important role in promoting arts and culture in Ontario through their outstanding musical performances.” Michael Chan, Ontario Minister of culture
“I commend the Kindred Spirits Orchestra for their efforts to inspire, uplift, educate and entertain their audiences through the power of music. Your efforts go a long way to developing an appreciation of all forms of music in our communities.” Frank Scarpitti, Mayor of Markham
Your generosity enables us to reach out to your community, provide performing and learning opportunities for children, and to enrich people’s lives. Your donation plays a critical part in sustaining the excellence of the KSO!

Phone: 905-604-8339
Email: info@KSOrchestra.ca
Copyright © 2024 | Kindred Spirits Orchestra | Charitable registration No. 80732 3092 RR0001
The name Kindred Spirits Orchestra® is a trademark registered with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.