Matheus Coelho
Assistant Conductor
Matheus Coelho is a Brazilian-born conductor, baritone, and clarinetist, pursuing a doctoral degree in Orchestral Conducting at the University of Toronto. With engagements in symphonic, choral, operatic, and popular music, Matheus was trained in multifaceted settings that correspond to his versatile performance style and production.
Matheus was part of the Sao Paulo Symphony Orchestra Academy of Music, coached under the guidance of the American conductor Marin Alsop as well as Wagner Polischuk. Moreover, he attended several festivals and masterclass, learning from worldwide conductors, including Sian Edwards, Neil Thomson, Cristian Măcelaru, and Giancarlo Guerrero, as well as conducting professional orchestras, such as the Minas Gerais Philharmonic, University of Sao Paulo Symphony with performances at the São Paulo Hall and Minas Gerais Hall.
Alongside his vocal and instrumental career, performing with choirs, opera companies and orchestras, he also held positions as an Assistant Conductor and Music Director at several groups, including the University of Campinas Symphony Orchestra, Unicamp Opera Studio, Contemporary Choir of Campinas, Campo Grande Symphony Orchestra, and the University of Manitoba Symphony Orchestra.
Matheus holds a Master of Music degree from the University of Manitoba and currently studies with maestros Uri Mayer and Jamie Hillman, focusing his research on Villa-Lobos and social issues. Besides his academic and performative ambitions at U of T, Matheus was a fellowship of the 2022-2023 Conducting Apprenticeship of the Orchestra Toronto.
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